
基盤教育センター EPUU

助教 藤井 未也子ふじい みやこ

藤井 未也子

English education,Extensive reading,Autonomous English Learning


English Education, Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition


・Extensive reading in English
・Creating an environment to foster autonomous English learning
・Foreign language (English) teaching methodology and instructional techniques




Zoom, Canva, Padlet, Kahoot!






My research focuses on English language instructors’ and students’ perceptions of digital extensive reading activities in English, and effective teaching practices in classes to promote extensive reading. Developing a habit of engaging with English outside of class time is not easy. I aim to explore the perceptions of instructors and students regarding reading, and propose effective teaching practices that meet both their needs. Additionally, I am working on creating a more effective space to promote autonomous English learning for EPUU Commons. This involves catering to diverse student needs such as English learning consultations, conversation practice, writing support, etc., with the goal of providing a resource-rich space that fosters students’ English language learning.


Drawing on my experience as a high school English teacher, I teach compulsory English courses for first and second-year university students, aiming to effectively bridge the gap between high school and university English. In my classes, which primarily focus on reading and writing, I prioritize a style where students actively engage with English, often working in pairs or groups to collaborate and tackle tasks together.


I aim to compile classroom practices that promote digital extensive reading activities in English and share them not only with universities but also with many educational settings. Additionally, in the realm of autonomous English learning, I aspire to build an environment and system that facilitate more efficient and effective self-directed learning by connecting students both domestically and internationally online.


I aim to facilitate autonomous English learning that transcends the boundaries of individual universities and engages collaboration with local communities through the utilization of online platforms.

I also accept requests for joint research, lectures, collaborative lectures, and other speaking engagements.